EU Youth Dialogue EXPLAINED

Explanatory Note of the 8. Cycle

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The EU Youth Dialogue (EU-YD) is the European participatory process which, through cycles of 18 months over a priority topic, supports the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy and ensures the involvement of young people in the decisionmaking process in the field of youth in Europe through an articulated dialogue  between young people and decision-makers.

The 8th Cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue runs from 1st of July 2020 to 31st December 2021 under the Trio Presidency of Germany – Portugal – Slovenia. The design and architecture of the 8th Cycle can be found in the EXPLANATORY NOTE of the EU Youth Dialogue: 8th Cycle provided by the European Steering Group.

The EXPLANATORY NOTE helps National Working Groups and INGYOs to contuct and implement the EU Youth Dialogue as a structured participatory process all over Europe.


Download the EXPLANATORY NOTE here:

Explanatory Note – 8th Cycle EU Youth Dialogue