In Germany
In Germany
In Germany, young people can participate in the EU Youth Dialogue at federal, regional or local level – for example projects in the neighbourhood, in regional workshops and at national events. In the EU Youth Dialogue, young people talk to policy-makers about the things that are important to them. Results of all EU Youth Dialogue activities are being collected. They are then passed on to political decision-makers in Germany and the EU. In this way young people are heard and can influence political decisions.
There are various ways to participate in the Youth Dialogue:
#Jugenddialog Events
Youth Dialogue events take place at local, regional and national level. There, young people discuss the current topic of the EU Youth Dialogue both among each other and with those responsible in politics and administration. In this way, political decision makers learn about what is important to young people and can take their concerns into account in political decisions.
#jump – Young Multiplier Programme
The jump team is a network of young people that implements the EU Youth Dialogue in Germany. The jump team is engaged on a voluntary basis at local, regional and national level. It informs about opportunities for participation in the EU Youth Dialogue, organises dialogue events and collects the concerns, ideas and demands of young people from Germany. The individual jump members take on the role of multipliers and carry out activities such as workshops and small events in their regions within the framework of the EU Youth Dialogue. Collected results and political demands are passed on to the EU Youth Delegates. The EU Youth Delegates then discuss them with policy-makers in the EU. The results are also passed on to political decision makers in Germany and discussed at national Youth Dialogue events.
#Youth Dialogue Projects
In local projects – in the neighbourhood, an youth organisation or the region – young people reflect on the issues that are important to them. The projects are planned and implemented by young people, youth associations, youth rings, youth groups and organisations. In this work, young people can be guided by the topic of Youth Dialogue and the Youth Goals. The results of the projects as well as political demands are collected and passed on to those responsible in politics and administration at both European and national level.
Implementation in Germany
The National Working Group
In Germany the implementation of the EU Youth Dialogue is being accompanied by a National Working Group. Its main task is to promote and further develop the EU Youth Dialogue in Germany. The National Working Group is formed by representatives from various areas of youth work, youth associations and youth welfare.
These organisations, structures and institutions are represented in the National Working Group:
- German Federal Youth Council
- Jugendamtsleitung der Stadt Hannover
- Landesjugendamt Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
- LJR SH e.V.
- JUGEND für Europa – Nationale Agentur Erasmus+ Jugend und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps
- Arbeitskreis Deutscher Bildungsstätten e.V.
- Europäische und Internationale Jugendpolitik, BMFSFJ
- Soziokulturelles Zentrum „DIE VILLA“ Leipzig
- Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Katholische Jugendsozialarbeit e.V.
German Federal Youth Council
The German Federal Youth Council is responsible for the national implementation of the EU Youth Dialogue in Germany. The German Federal Youth Council coordinates the implementation of the Youth Dialogue and collects the results of the various levels and dialogue formats.